Have any of you attempted to memorize anything lately? I remember learning the alphabet, listing the letters in a song, and filling my brain with multiplication tables using flash cards. I have silly commercials from the 1960' still taking up space in my memory bank, reminding how to spell Jell-O and what carpet company to... Continue Reading →
Life Lessons from a Robin
I have needed a fresh life lesson, a new look at some recurring, unresolved issues. The Lord knew it and provided richly as he so often does. And, as most of us have learned, his timing is perfect. Join me as I share this life lesson I received from a Robin. Recently I was sitting... Continue Reading →
From Ashes to Beauty
From the "for what it's worth" department, Wikipedia defines ash as the end product of incomplete combustion. In other words, ashes are the solid remains of fires;residues that remain after something is burned. Did that get your attention? Honestly, I am just avoiding the true subject of this blog, which is; here we go: sin.... Continue Reading →
Not Quite Yet
There has been a seismic, internal change in me since I have turned 65. A new heartbeat, a new, disquieting perception of what I have to offer and what my future holds. What is it about that number that has changed the way I think and plan and dream? Have I been so attuned to... Continue Reading →
The Privilege of the Calling
What images are presenting themselves in your mind when you hear the word "calling?" What is the first thought that penetrates deep within the grey matter of your brain? Do you see a wall phone ringing, insisting on attention? Or a graham cracker sized computer safely placed in your back pocket that announces unknown caller?... Continue Reading →
Moving from Grieving to Dancing
Recently a friend shared that his grandson may have a serious illness. It is an unlikely diagnosis but the child's Pediatrician wants to perform some tests. In most cases I would express compassion, promise to pray for this child and go on with the duties of my day. I would feel sorry, but not overwhelmingly... Continue Reading →