Life Lessons from a Robin

I have needed a fresh life lesson, a new look at some recurring, unresolved issues. The Lord knew it and provided richly as he so often does. And, as most of us have learned, his timing is perfect. Join me as I share this life lesson I received from a Robin.

Recently I was sitting at my kitchen table, finishing up my quiet time. I am embarrassed to admit I was fully immersed in a pity party and not so much in God’s word at that moment. I just survived an entire week of the bluest of blues. Don’t you hate it when you are down in the dumps for no legitimate reason? No life-changing circumstances or tragic events had occurred, I was just sad. My heart was full of clouds and my eyes were filled will tears, nothing or no one could console me, no kissing it and making it better for me. I could not locate a Genie in a bottle who would just blink and quickly chase away my pain.

As I was “crying in my own beer”, I heard a very odd thumping sound. It wasn’t a thump I recognized, like our forty-year-old washing machine that creates a rhythmic drumming sound as it spins out the excess water in our clothing. This unrecognizable noise occurred irregularly, but consistently. Even though I needed to head to work, I decided to go on a hunt and try to answer the question and attempt to “name that tune.”

I journeyed toward the area of our house that seemed to be the source of this bothersome sound.

What I saw was something that brought to mind the old Alfred Hitchcock movie “The Birds”. Is there anyone reading this who remembers that horror film? It wasn’t exactly as gruesome as “Nightmare on Elm Street”, but in 1963 it was considered at the least, chilling. I still remember Tippi Hedren running in high heels to the protective cover of a public phone booth. The cacophony of birds screeching toward her introduced in me a fear of the feathered creatures that lasted through many years of my young life.

I walked toward our patio door and found a very plump robin looking right at me. It may have even glared, but that could conceivably be my childhood imagination returning to the Hitchcock movie. Mr. or Mrs. Robin then quickly flew away and landed on one of our evergreen trees for safety. As I walked away, I heard the thump again. This worm-hunting creature was trying desperately to fly through the patio door. Although I am know as a “clean freak” by those who love me, in no one’s wildest imagination, could any creature, flying or otherwise, perceive a crystal clear path from our outside deck to our family room.

Although the walloping of her noodle on a solid glass door did not obtain her goal, she was impressively persistent. The presumptive headache did not inhibit her determination to get through, not one tiny bit. Time after time, thump thump thump. This went on and on. There are still remnants of her stubbornness on the window.

Now to the purpose of this mind-bending story.

I tend to be “gun-ho” about plans and goals, at least at the birth of new endeavors. On the first morning of my promise of a better tomorrow, I hear an inner voice stating in full confidence that I will be a better person. As soon as I return from work, I will get on that treadmill that is sitting in front of our plasma TV. Cooking a chicken breast, preparing a green salad, and nothing else in my mouth for the rest of the evening will be accomplished. Because of that presumed success, I anticipate the next morning that our bathroom scale LCC will radiate a lovely number that is five pounds lighter than the day before. Or, I will be a better wife, friend, mother, and employee. I now wonder, who am I really trying to convince?

Although I do my utmost to accomplish these bigger-than-life goals as a Lone Ranger, my drive is quickly lost. My determination is quickly blown away like soap bubbles I created during the school summer break as a child. Without a fellow earth dweller, I have no accountability, no one to share the load, no one to pick me up when I inevitably falter. Failure comes sneaking up at the door of my soul. I am like my feathered friend flying in a frenzy progressing to nowhere fast.

So, quite predictably, by tea time on the first day of my new endeavor, my earlier determination falters. My only evening goals include the remote and something salty and fattening for dinner. No phone calls to friends, no reaching out to those who love me. A day of stress, decision making, and tending to the sick and their family members place a hazy fog over my once clear picture of what my evening and new life would bring. Failure comes to visit once again.

My Robin has provided a valuable life lesson.

Whether it is a healthier lifestyle, working on spiritual practices, or loving my spouse less selfishly, what is it that keeps my head thumping against a proverbial brick wall? What is the patio door of my good intentions and admirable plans? The answer is! (as Richard Dawson would proclaim on the TV show Family Feud.) I try to fly solo just like my winged friend. Too many times I fail to invite others into my challenges, dreams, and fears. Flying solo has repeatedly brought failure in my most worthwhile objectives. Failure lights on my heart bringing its cousins regret, defeatism, and depression. I need to ask myself, “how is that working for you”? Isn’t the best-known definition of insanity repeating the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome?

In a plethora of scriptures God instructs and guides us as servants of Christ to join arms in this battlefield call life.

Though one be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three is not easily broken. Ecclesiastes 4:12

Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. James 5:16

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Ephesians 6:18

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

Bear one another’s burdens. Galatians 6:2

Speak truth to one another. Ephesians 4:25

Many scriptures point to the reality that without our brothers and sisters to lift us, to share the yoke, we will eventually hit our noggins on the patio door. We all know that the phrase “one another” is two words in English, but, in Greek, it’s just one!

Let’s face it. Lone ranger, solo flying robins like me, and god forbid any of you, can’t live this life of faith well without fellow sinners around us.

How do we pray, encourage, confess and spur one another on without being close to each other? Do we as worshippers of Christ presume the “our” in our Father was meant just for the twelve?

That we are a people called to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps is fully exposed as a lie by God’s word. Let us stop hiding in the shadow of our failures and allow fellow sojourners to come alongside and hold us up as we hold them up. Our home, the church is calling us to return to singing praises as a family instead of exchanging screen time for worship.

Corporate worship not only soothes our lonely souls but our presence soothes and energizes those souls around us. Take a Risk, reach out. Make that phone call, write that note, stretch out your hand and touch another. Use the resources our Lord has so generously provided. None of us will come out of the war without wounds. We need one another to clean and bandage the cuts and bruises from the daily combat. Shared weight is lighter weight. As one another we can provide encouragement so we can return to the fight, knowing we are not alone

The thump, thump, thump continues to annoy my husband and I, but my heart is grateful for the life lesson I learned from the robin.



A gift of song to you:

More stories from a servant

2 thoughts on “Life Lessons from a Robin

  1. As I sit here in the wee hours of the morning, my heart goes out to you (and the poor robin) . My thoughts are that you are blessed to have a loving husband and family and friends to surround you in love. Our Father gave these people to you to help you stand straight and tall and to pick you up when you fall.
    I like to blame our long, dismal winters, the gray skies and cabin fever we all get for nearly 6 months each year. But then Jesus, our beautiful, loving Jesus is here to save us, call us into His embrace and love on us. I am finally coming to a place where I am able to really, really trust in His precious promises, no matter what my circumstances. And I’ll tell you, it’s wonder-full. He not only knows we have pity parties, but “while we were yet sinners…”
    This note is not to make you feel poorly, but just the opposite, and we of course are to “run the race to the finish.” In our bleakest moments, if we but fully put our trust in Him and really listen to His love-promises, how can we but not feel His warm embrace? I too, get lonely and feel alone but just this past week, I decided that I am tired of not “feeling the warmth”. So I wrote down a list of God-affirming promises and started to read this out loud each morning during my time with the Lord. And you know what? Those words are becoming implanted in my soul, in the soil of my heart…hallelujah!!! Instead of focusing on my surroundings, I’m actually doing what He orders us to do; to focus on HIS VERY PRECIOUS PROMISES! You’d think I would have done this long ago, but I have a hard head, lol. My time is NOW, just like your time is NOW. I have renewed my trust in Him, my hope in Him, my dependence on Him and I feel His love like I’ve never had before…..and the love He provides washes us clean as snow. Blessings to you, sister Karen.

  2. Thank you Karen, and an amen to every word you so kindly wrote. Our God is not only able, but he is is always faithful, always near.
    “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need”.
    Hebrews 4:16

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