A Heartfelt Salute to Caregivers

Twenty-eight years ago I said "I do" to my sweetheart, Chris.  In that time we have been through raising teens, loss of parents, and welcoming grandchildren to our family of misfits.  I have been very fortunate that Chris has stayed far away from surgical repairs of any kind. However, I have had multiple surgeries on... Continue Reading →


I remember one year my husband and I decided to begin planning a vacation. Since we both work in healthcare it is literally like pulling teeth to be granted time off together.  I thought by the time a person earned gray hair and a double chin, some things in life would get easier.  Let me... Continue Reading →

Stinking Thinking

My husband and I are the owners of two, thirteen-year-old hound mixes.  We enjoy our daily walks with them...no, actually, it is a stroll.  Sam prefers to trot, but Frodo can barely move and sits down for a breather every block or so.  Just in case you are wondering why we still take Frodo for... Continue Reading →

There’s no place like home

I live about four hours from my hometown.  That is actually pretty close compared to those I know who have to shell out several hundred dollars for airfare, use up a week of vacation time and withstand the "pat down" of disinterested TSA employees.  Still, I'm embarrassed to say I don't make it home very... Continue Reading →

Let the healing begin

My small group is studying a book on prayer.  To be honest, I am not loving it and take issue with some of what is written.  Because of this, I delved into the next chapter with the thought of just getting it over with.  Crummy attitude, but I beg for a little grace as God... Continue Reading →

In the eye of the beholder

I had the indescribable pleasure of visiting one of my daughters last week.  She lives in a part of the world that many would describe as "paradise".  The weather beckons me as a midwesterner to "come out and enjoy".  Anyone who can walk, run, bike or stroll finds no excuse in staying under any kind... Continue Reading →

Hurying ​up to go where?

My home church is going through a study on the book of John. It is the fourth book in the New Testament. Slick notebooks were created for our use which included scriptures with commentary and study questions at the end of each reading. Those of us participating were to read one of the studies for... Continue Reading →

I don’t want to write today

Do you ever get the "wind knocked out of your sails"? A time when you were moving along a specific path with your eyes focused on the prize. The more you worked toward your goal the clearer and more colorful it became. You knew it was attainable, it could be realized. But then, a dark... Continue Reading →

Lazy Susan

Do you know what a lazy susan is, and by the way,how in the world did they come up with the name? Just in case some of my readers aren't members of the dinosaur generation, a lazy susan is generally built into kitchen cabinets. It's round and twirls so you can store spices and smaller... Continue Reading →


Lately, I have been allowing myself to become overwhelmed by tasks that my life seems to generate on its own. My career requires long hours, our house and the property that goes with it requires a huge investment of time and energy (our leaf raking yesterday just made room for more leaves to cover the... Continue Reading →

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