Though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.

I have never considered myself a “fearful” person.  For example, most people agree that the “scariest “ life event we will encounter is death, the end of this life as we know it.  It is the final goodbye to those we love and so long to our well-known surroundings.  That encounter is the unavoidable release of plans we’ve made and shared dreams.  The final Adios.

Hebrews 7:2

However bizarre this may seem or difficult to believe, death truly does not frighten me. Because of God’s faithfulness, I have no fear of the last breath of my life.  The certainty of it holds no power or foreboding.   My assurance and courage is in Christ Jesus, exclusively in Him and His promises.  Only by the grace of God and the sacrifice of Jesus, do I know where I am going and Who I will be with when I close my eyes to rest. My reservation in Heaven is not dependent on any “good” that may come of my brief time on terra firma only by faith in the work of Jesus on the cross, not by works here on planet Earth.

Ephesians 2:8-10

I Peter 1:3-5

2 Corinthians 5:8

Based on my unswerving courage in the face of my certain end on this planet, it would seem I am fearless, right? At least this is what I have been telling myself.  If I have no fear of the worst enemy, I have no fear at all.  I am a brave soul.

However….. God in His great mercy and wisdom continues to fulfill his promise to complete the good work He started in me.  He has started to pry open my myopic eyes to the reality that I do indeed fear evil.

Philippians 1:6

God is showing me that the fear of evil isn’t just the fear of death or the cold sweat that comes when you hear a strange noise after watching a horror flick.  The Lord is teaching me that even though I am courageous regarding my certain death, I am not so courageous about the struggles of living daily life and the many uncertainties it so often brings.  

My fear of evil is like the shifting sand taking on new forms depending on the waves and wind.  One week it may be a concern regarding finances and the constant increase in the cost of simply living.  Fast forward twenty-four hours and my focus turns to fear about health and aging as I realize my body is not responding like it did in the 1990s. I notice my overall energy and  time spent gardening has moved from “full speed ahead” to “slow and steady runs the race.” I seek out my tens unit and sofa after just a few hours of deadheading flowers and pulling weeds, I am fully spent like my yellow day lily blooms. Even as I am limiting the hours of physical labor, my body will still cry out in protest the following day.  

Other miscellaneous issues set off my fear radar, but I think I have made my point.

Fearing evil, by nature, happens in the future tense. What may, might, or can occur? Jesus clearly said, “Do not worry about tomorrow.” 

Luke 12:22

The fear of evil causes me to take my eyes off my Savior, my Provider, my Guide, and my Rock.  It opens the door to questions, worries, insecurity, and faithlessness.  It creates self-absorption.  I wrap myself in worry so tight I can’t see past myself.  It allows no one to be near.

Evil steals my peace, ability, and availability to serve others because I have nothing to offer or give.  I become narcissistic.  Every breath I take is selfishly used to alleviate whatever circumstances driving me to fear evil.  My time and energy are nearsighted. I can only focus on relieving the stressor or fixing a sticky situation.  

Even the prayers I pray are self-centered. They focus on my anxiety with little time to bring other’s needs to the throne of grace. Instead of quietly listening to the voice of my Savior, all I hear are my thoughts bemoaning my current trial.  

I Peter 5:6-7

When yesterday’s concern is no longer creating fear in me, or my joint pain subsides, if the checkbook balances or a relationship is restored, I experience relief and am finally able to unwrap myself and take a look at the hurting world around me. I step out of my cocoon of navel-gazing and realize I have allowed the enemy to lead me into fearing evil instead of following my loving Shepherd, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe.

Psalms 23:1-6

When I feared evil, my eyes were blind and my memories blocked.  I could not see the good gifts from my Father that surround me every moment of every day.  I lost memory of answered prayers and provisions I have received over the decades.  The result of my fear was like yeast in bread; fear breeds fear.  If left to itself, it will catastrophize just about anything that the human mind can imagine.  Imagine that.

Scripture teaches that we who are called His have no reason to fear evil.  

2 Timothy 1:7

Isaiah 41:10

I must purposely check my thought life. I must ask myself what am I allowing the enemy to plant in my mind, my heart?  I need to inquire of myself where my thoughts are taking me.  Am I thinking of good things?

Philippians 4:8

Dwelling on the power of God’s promises, and the truth that He never changes, places a barrier to my fear and uncertainty during challenging times.  Painting my mind with God’s Word and spending time in his comforting presence acts like a wet suit worn when bodysurfing in the Pacific Ocean. It allows me to stay in the world without being shocked by the cold that life so often presents.

I have been reminded and humbled once again.  I am incredibly grateful for God’s guiding word and the prompting of His Holy Spirit that teaches, enables, and directs me to fear no evil.

This song is a battle cry.  Enjoy and celebrate what God’s power and presence can accomplish in the face of fearing evil.



Take It All Back (with Lyrics) – Tauren Wells, We The Kingdom, Davies

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