Seize the Day

And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.  God saw that the light was good and He separated the light from the darkness.  God called the light “day,” and the darkness He called “night.”  And there was evening, and there was morning the first day.  

Genesis 1:3-5

  Today I heard God calling me, instructing me, to write a blog post.  But I talked back to him as if I were a spoiled child saying, “Not today Lord”.  I have no inspiration or spare energy to invest in this “big production” and I don’t have any ideas. I have plans and they do not include tapping keys on a laptop; creating sentences and paragraphs that have the power to encourage or challenge.

Then before I breathed out my last objection, I heard His voice, in a not so gentle reply asking me, “Who gave you this day?” “Who is the Creator, the Inventor, and Provider of every moment you’re allowed to experience?”

Job 38:12-13

How can I and why would I argue with the One who loves me the most, knows me the best, and promises to never leave me?  Even my hard and stubborn heart is unable to disobey my Savior. Honestly, I have tried going down my own path and unfortunately found myself in several deep ditches, some even filled with quicksand.

Psalms 39:23-24

As I am asking my Father for inspiration, for words that pour out from His heart and not mine, He reminds me of this.  10/1/24 only presents itself once.  The day has arrived just as promised.  It is here just as listed on my old-fashioned paper calendar which hangs proudly on my stainless steel refrigerator.  This day will soon be in the rearview mirror of my life. 

None of us were promised this first day of October.  It is an unearned gift; a package that offers 86,400 seconds, not one second more or less. No crystal ball, Tarot card, or daily zodiac article will prepare any of us for what this unique day will bring into our lives.

Psalms 103:15-16t

The real decision is how do we optimize, cherish, and celebrate this irreplaceable gift? This is a “one-time offer’ it ends at midnight tonight. There is no time machine to transport us back for a mulligan or a “do-over.”   I often wish there were one of them so I would have the opportunity to make wiser, healthier decisions. For now, we only have the technology of photographs, video, and audio to remind us of past events and conversations. These tools briefly remove us from the present and place us in sweeter times.  We can only observe, not edit our decisions. Today I want to be as responsive to God’s direction as my heartbeat is prompted by the autonomic system in my body. No prior thought or decision is needed, just action. I want no assignment He has graciously given me to evaporate into the air of missed opportunities, with nothing left on the table of service.

Ephesians 5:15-17

It is crystal clear that I have no clue what the rest of this day will bring, including whatever news I may receive or opportunities I may be offered. Will I choose to listen to the Holy Spirit when He prompts me to serve others before I serve myself?  Will I speak when He prompts me to voice an encouraging word?  Will I rest when He says rest or move when He directs me to get off my duff?  Will I look for ways to love those around me or offer a reflection of God’s grace? Will I choose to love and serve or will I blindly and selfishly insist on my self-centered objectives for this day?  

Mathew 5:13-16

As the cloud curtains have opened to display a clear, blue sky and cool breezes tempt me to crank up our heating system less than 12 hours after running the air conditioning….I am choosing to obey, at least at this moment; the only moment I am promised.  None of us truly know if we will still be on this side of heaven at midnight, do we?

I encourage you as I encourage myself to pray and ask, to seek and knock, and to listen to the voice of our Father. Let us offer back to Him this very day and moment, and yes our very breath.



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