You may have noticed that I describe myself as a “servant”. To be a servant, there would need to be a master. At times my master has been myself – my longings, passions, hopes, and fears. I have to confess that I do still have a tendency to go my own way, although it seems like I could have, rather, should have figured out by now that “my way” leads me in the wrong direction. My way leads me in a manner that is not “everlasting”, as my dear Lord has said, but in a way that leads me in paths of unrighteousness. Most people who are slightly familiar with Psalms 23 will understand the direction in which I am going.
I am a servant of Jesus Christ. I am not embarrassed by the truth and promises of the gospel, he is the Lord of my life. There have been many opportunities for Him to deny me, as I have made and expect to continue to make choices that are less than God-honoring. But, I belong to Him, he is always faithful!
The reason I am beginning this blog is simply that I feel the Lord instructed me to write. At first, I didn’t think I heard him correctly. I attempted to refine my listening skills as I was certain I had misunderstood His direction. Historically, I have not written anything other than notes in a journal and brief texts with gifs and emoticons to emphasize my personal remarks (and in an effort to make my family and friends laugh!). A professional writer, I am not.
I am offering to share my journey with you. This journey will not lead you to the center of the earth or an undiscovered galaxy. I don’t expect it to thrill you or draw you in so deeply that you develop a great anticipation for my next post. My prayer is that in sharing my journey with you, you will experience how deep the Father’s love is for each and every one to whom He gives breath. I pray that, just maybe, you may avoid some of the missed opportunities, wasted moments and deep regrets I myself experienced.
As you read my blog, I will reveal more to you about the person behind the laptop. With permission, I will share encounters with the people in my life, the highs, lows and doldrum days. You will get an insight into my career, the generation I belong to, and whatever else the good Lord prompts me to write.
Thank you for using these precious moments in your life to connect with me!
A Servant