
  • Fast Forward

    Fast Forward

    Why is it that the last part of your life seems to disappear like a mist, but as a child we see the coming twenty four hours like they will be a lifetime. Years ago I listened to a podcast in which the host and several guests attempted to solve this mystery.  After sixty minutes……


  • His Mercy is New Every Morning

    His Mercy is New Every Morning

     What is the impetus behind the transcultural enthusiasm that appears at the end of a year and the beginning of a new year? Social media and television ads burst with unimaginable promises. We hear claims that If we begin ingesting a specific vitamin or subscribe to an exercise program, we will finally become a changed……


  • Prepare Your Heart

    Prepare Your Heart

    John 1:23 Has anyone had the dubious pleasure of taking a Medrol Dose pack? Over the years, I have had the unfortunate need to calm inflammation in various areas of my worn-out body. But this time, these tiny white makers of insomnia have been an instrument used by God to lead this servant to share……


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